Hotter as a Faun.

Initially, Hotter as a Faun began as a post on the message boards about James McAvoy's hot turn as Mr. Tumnus, but now, it has become more of a way of life. Yes, we here at Hotter as a Faun believe that every element of pop culture has the opportunity to be hotter. That's why we're dedicated to bringing you the best in our opinions on movies, tv, music, books, celebrities, and what our roommates wear. Because if you had the chance to be hotter as a faun, wouldn't you?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obscure Celebrity Crush of the Week: Iain Glen

Today we salute 2011's hardest working character actor, Iain Glen.

With Sean Connery's syrupy Scottish voice and Sting-at-4am's wiry good looks, Iain Glen has brought gravity, charm, and minor douche-baggery to Downton Abbey and Game of Thrones.

Exhibit A: Sir Richard Carlisle

Newspapa man!

Exhibit B: Ser Jorah Mormont

Horseback and chivalry. Like a B.A.

Somebody's typecast as a *"Sir"! even though imdb lists over 60 credits prior to Downton Abbey but nobody really cares about that.  He's had the British equivalent to a steadily working American actor's career, with spots on Law and Order: UK and a couple of Resident Evils.

*or "Ser" for our Medieaval neards out there

He's managed to work hard, look good, AND overcome the hardship of having an extraneous "I" in his name. What can't the man do.

A Scottish Brando for the next generation.

But back to Downton Abbey and Game of Thrones which is all I and everyone else in the world wants to talk about.  Minor spoilers within.  It was during Downton Abbey that I realized I recognized him from Game of Thrones, which was an UTTER DEVASTATION.  He's just so... dashing, and tough, and kind, and everything I want off the cover of a Harlequin romance novel in Game of Thrones, and in Downton Abbey he's just so... "I've obviously had Shakespeare training."  Not to knock my dear sweet Gleny, because this clearly shows his versatility (he can act with a beard AND WITHOUT A BEARD!), but come on.  Am I going to go for the hunky horseman who's surrounded by a bunch of topless men (ok and women) of Ser Jorah or the Hearst-like stoicism of Sir Richard?  I'd rather be Daenerys than Mary ANY day.  Except for wardrobe.  Then I'd definitely go Mary.

The dress! The man candy!

But the rogue power! The hot/uncomfortable sexy times!

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