Obscure Celebrity Crush* of the week: Jewel Staite

You probably would recognize her from her days on such children’s classic shows as her runs on “Are you Afraid of the Dark?” (she was the girl who was going to get trapped in the painting) or the Disney Channel classic of our time, “Flash Forward”. We all felt some sort of euphoric release when Becca and Tucker (an adorably awkward Ben Foster) finally shared that kiss. It wasn’t until her turn as Catalina on the short lived Nickelodeon show “Space Cases” (which, I’ve come to realize, is pretty much the same show as firefly only with younger people) that I really decided I was a true Jewel Staite fan.
I had gotten to that age where you it seems like a great idea to write a fan letter to every celebrity you like. While my letters to the Spice Girls and Zac Hanson have yet to be answered, a few celebrities have seen fit to send me some form letters back. I got a particularly cold response from Ann M. Martin, who I’ve heard gets sick of people telling her about how much the Babysitters Club affected their childhood.
In the midst of all this letter writing, my strong interest in astronomy as well as my love for her character’s rainbow hair prompted me to write Jewel Staite a fan letter. Imagine my little 12 year old surprise when she sent me a HAND-WRITTEN LETTER back. And not only did she personally answer all of my questions, she asked me to please write her back, which I did. Which led to another handwritten response! I got two hand-written letters from her! I don’t remember any of the details of these letters, but I still recall how excited I got when I received them.
Jewel’s career soon took off, with a guest starring role on “So Weird” on the Disney channel, playing the gothic girl on the ABC family drama “Higher Ground” and finally her well-known “Firefly” role. Hopefully she will continue to be “that one girl” in more shows in the future.
Unfortunately, I became a very busy 6th grader, and let my writing to Jewel fall by the wayside. I still kick myself because I could have an ultra cool pen pal who goes to comic cons and stuff. She’s too big to be able to write me back now, but thanks to technology I can creepily check her Myspace blog to find out what she’s up to. Whenever she mentions her love for Donny Osmond or her longing to be the Little Mermaid, I know she is writing those entries just for me.
Labels: Jewel Staite, obscure celebrity crush
And who's friends with her on MySpace? Oh that's right. ME.
Bridget. Are you reading my mind about Anne M. Martin? Cause she was seriously a bitch to me once. I'll never forget it.
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