Obscure Celebrity Crush of the Week!: Raul Julia

I've slowly been working my way through the Iowa City Public Library's collection of Señor Raul's tantalizing film canon. Homie made a ton of movies! Seriously, who hasn't he played? Gomez, Othello, Selena. I still have quite a few of his films to work through, most direly Frankenstein Unbound and Street Fighter.
What can I say; he looks good in a tux.
But boy oh boy, I just rented the masterpiece One From the Heart --a Francis Ford Coppola picture that he made between Godfathers II and III*. I think of it as the '80s answer to Moulin Rouge, but with less quality and more of Teri Garr's boobs. It's fantastic; he plays the perpetually topless Garr's fantasy man, and Lainie Kazan as the totally against type Jewish best friend character has to keep over-compensating, saying things like, "Ooh, he's so gorgeous!" Clearly she got the memo too. As a Raulphile, this rates as not one of his better flicks, though he does both sing AND dance --a fate that has saved almost all of his movies**.


I've officially sunk to a new low.
*a.k.a., a time when his career was still salvagable.
**Namely, Mack the Knife, the contemporary movie version of Brecht's Three Penny Opera starring an aged Richard Harris doing his best Sean Connery impression, a young hot Bill Nighy, and Roger Daltry, lead singer of the Who -who until this point I thought could do no wrong. I WAS WRONG.
Labels: obscure celebrity crush, raul julia
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